I've successfully radicalized my friend group. The last hold out has now asked me to send them videos and let them borrow some books.

Everyday is Agitprop day! I've also now turned all the workers at my job Anti-Police, and now were talking union talk. This would not have been possible without reading the fucking theory. For every question I had an answer, for every skeptic statement I had a response that explained the same thing in a different way.

Read the theory, and if you don't have the time to read, at least familiarize yourself with the key points and most importantly, talk to your friends and co-workers.

    • FATRATMAN [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Capital vol. 1 (read it a few times with accompanying podcasts, online video lectures, and reading groups)

      Most of Marx and Engels, some of it was boring tbh, but important nonetheless.

      All of Lenin (fun to read, our boy had bars)

      Some Mao

      Andreas Malm (HTBUAP, Fossil Capital, and White Skin, Black Fuel)

        • FATRATMAN [he/him]
          2 years ago

          I'm glad you said that, believe it or not, I haven't read any Fanon, I still have Wretched of the Earth in my shopping cart on thriftboks. I will fix this.

            • FATRATMAN [he/him]
              2 years ago

              Great read honestly, I have an affinity for Lenin and his works as well, very to the point and somehow still being funny and dunking on people. When talking to working people I try not to get into the weeds too much as to not bore them, many folks are pretty receptive though, and ask you more questions, which we should always try to answer. Don't act like a psycho and start quoting paragraphs to people and you get them to engage willingly and thoughtfully. Don't. Be. Weird. About. It.

    • FATRATMAN [he/him]
      2 years ago

      There’s more, but hanging around other communists helps absorb the important parts.