The Pentagon Wars - 1998 Full MovieThe Pentagon Wars is a 1998 dark comedy film from HBO, produced by Howard Meltzer and Gary Daigler, directed by Richard Be...
Mostly enjoy it crapping on the military, and the cast is pretty good. It is lib as shit though
The explanation of the life and times of the Bradley IFV is one of the reasons I'm not that confident in the US Military's ability to fight a motivated enemy with anything like near-peer weapons. The F-35 is the same kind of bloated, over complicated mess being forced to adopt many different roles and conform to many different standards, with constant mission and functionality over, what, thirty years of development?
The explanation of the life and times of the Bradley IFV is one of the reasons I'm not that confident in the US Military's ability to fight a motivated enemy with anything like near-peer weapons. The F-35 is the same kind of bloated, over complicated mess being forced to adopt many different roles and conform to many different standards, with constant mission and functionality over, what, thirty years of development?