The bill banning the promotion of non-traditional sexual relationships may be passed in the first reading next week, and in November it may go to President Vladimir Putin for his signature. TASS was reported by Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin as saying.

According to him, within the next week, the law may be adopted in the I reading, then in the II and III, and after - sent to the Council of Federation. Volodin expressed hope that Putin will sign the bill in November.

The Duma speaker also noted that the bill to ban gay propaganda is not meant to limit, but to protect the rights of citizens. He believes that this document should have been adopted much earlier.

Earlier, it was reported that the Russian government gave a favorable review of the bill providing for LGBT propaganda charges.

:fidel-wut: Why can't Russia be more like Cuba

Reminder for everyone here to support the Rainbow Railroad.

Weird factoid, they didn't even want to say the word 'homosexuality' in the final draft, they changed it to 'non-traditional sexual relationship', so it effects basically any queer person trying to be in any sort of relationship.

  • kristina [she/her]
    2 years ago

    More info. I'm having a hard time finding the full text of the bill, but this is a summary. I think the full text will be released on the 27th or slightly before.

    Volodin reminded that he conducted a poll on the necessity of such a ban. More than 1,680,000 people took part in it, 70 percent were "for", 25 - "against", the rest of the participants did not care.

    On the topic of the ban on propaganda of non-traditional relationships in the State Duma held parliamentary hearings. "It was decided next week, on Thursday (October 27th), to consider the relevant bills," the speaker said.

    He named the main provisions.

    In the media, Internet, books, movies, advertisements, etc. are prohibited:

    • LGBT propaganda,
    • promotion of pedophilia,
    • LGBT portrayals and information encouraging sex reassignment.

    Penalties for violating the law will be up to 800 thousand rubles for individuals and up to 10 million rubles for legal entities. The maximum penalty will face for propaganda of pedophilia. The fine for LGBT propaganda will be up to 100 thousand rubles for citizens and up to one million rubles for legal entities. If such information was disseminated through the Internet or the media, fines will go up to 400 thousand rubles for citizens and up to 5 million for legal entities.

    "We must protect our citizens and Russia from degradation and extinction. From the darkness spread by the United States and European states," Volodin summarized.

    For the record, 100k rubles is 1.6k USD. 1mill is 16k USD.