The bill banning the promotion of non-traditional sexual relationships may be passed in the first reading next week, and in November it may go to President Vladimir Putin for his signature. TASS was reported by Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin as saying.

According to him, within the next week, the law may be adopted in the I reading, then in the II and III, and after - sent to the Council of Federation. Volodin expressed hope that Putin will sign the bill in November.

The Duma speaker also noted that the bill to ban gay propaganda is not meant to limit, but to protect the rights of citizens. He believes that this document should have been adopted much earlier.

Earlier, it was reported that the Russian government gave a favorable review of the bill providing for LGBT propaganda charges.

:fidel-wut: Why can't Russia be more like Cuba

Reminder for everyone here to support the Rainbow Railroad.

Weird factoid, they didn't even want to say the word 'homosexuality' in the final draft, they changed it to 'non-traditional sexual relationship', so it effects basically any queer person trying to be in any sort of relationship.

  • AcidSmiley [she/her]
    2 years ago

    I really wish the west wouldn’t use minority rights as a weapon to undermine its political rivals.

    Fairly easy for the political rivals to defend themselves against that. They just have to follow Cuba's example and recognize the rights of LGBT people. Not only is it the right thing to do, it costs literally nothing and closes down a potential attack vector for atrocity propaganda and color revolutions, whereas repression constantly widens that same vector.

    My critical support always ends where our oppression and ultimately extermination begins. Governments that torture their LGBT community, that force us in the closet, have nobody to blame but themselves when it backfires against them. This is a problem that can literally be solved with the stroke of a pen, there's no excuse for such reactionary garbage.

    This is why my stance on the Ukraine war is revolutionary defeatism, not critical support of Russia.

    • Socialcreditscorr [they/them,she/her]
      2 years ago

      East Germany is another perfect example of easy it is to just solve this and how many benefits you get from just not being a piece of shit.

    • spring_rabbit [she/her]
      2 years ago

      If you're in the west, wouldn't revolutionary defeatism and support for Russia have the same desired outcome wrt your country's actions?

      I think Cuba was well-positioned to incorporate progressive causes into their socialist struggle because the foreign opposition was backing Catholic reactionaries for so long. It wasn't until fairly recently that we've tried to weaponize culture against them, and it's failing because those minority rights were already part of their revolutionary model.

      This is awful and no doubt largely caused by plain old reactionary thinking, but we should also recognize our own empire's role in reinforcing these reactionary views by using them as a cloak for regime change. As an American with no say in how Russia manages its affairs, I choose to focus on my own country's role in the conflict.

      E: I absolutely agree that countries could defang these movements by just taking a better stance on minority rights, but I'm very very wary when it is westerners telling them to do so.

      • AcidSmiley [she/her]
        2 years ago

        If you’re in the west, wouldn’t revolutionary defeatism and support for Russia have the same desired outcome wrt your country’s actions?

        It is very similar in practice, yes. Opposing Russian engagement in the war falls to my Russian comrades, just as opposing NATO engagement in the war is my duty. The argument here is mostly theoretical, but it can and does make a difference in how i comment on the war. I have to argue differently when i oppose Ukraine than when i support Russia, even when the desired end result of ending the war may be the same in both cases.

    • Awoo [she/her]
      2 years ago

      This is why my stance on the Ukraine war is revolutionary defeatism

      This attitude completely ignores the global importance of Russia to China. If Russian anti-imperialism is defeated and becomes part of their block China will also fall.

      Revolutionary defeatism was a perfectly fine attitude to have when communists had nothing to lose. This is not the case today. We do have something to lose and our positions must constantly assess what we have to lose vs gain.