It's like a week away or some shit, hope I get some chuckles at least

    • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
      2 years ago

      to find and transcribe it…


      game of power

      At r/politics one argument I've had endlessly there is that the dems do elaborate kabuki or misdirection. It's power cosplay and it's infuriating. They refuse to use their power and they refuse to fight GOP power. My favorite simple question in that sub is "Why didn't Biden fire Louis DeJoy in his first 100 days?" The convos go like this...

      Them: "You don't understand how politics works - do you? Biden can't just pick up the phone and fire DeJoy. You understand that, right?"

      "Okay, Biden fires the GOP people on the postal board, installs his own people, and they fire DeJoy."

      "Oh my goodness. Postal Board? You don't understand the process at all. There is no 'postal board'. There's the USPS Board of Governors..."

      "I'll be right back. I'll find an great article I read written by a journo who explains how the process of shitcanning DeJoy would work. And he uses all the right terms."

      Of course - I get nowhere. They might stop talking. Or tell me the convo is pointless and then they leave. Or they claim they scanned the article and say they don't agree with it. But they refuse to explain why. The entire thing is ridiculous.

      The dems think that their better arguments, their better ideas, their slavish devotion to process, their self-righteousness, and their unshakable belief in "better angels of our nature" will eventually win the day. How can that not be the case? They didn't learn a goddamned thing from 8 effing years of Obama.

      It's going to be pretty funny to me if there's a highly mysterious number of ballots from only heavily dem zip codes that have errors in the postmarks. Then - of course - GOP judges and justice say "Sorry, we have no choice - the ballots must be rejected. They are in error." DeJoy is seen smiling every day - all day log. The rejected ballots come at a very high cost to the democrats and to our democracy. Oh, well.

      Hell of Presidents

      How is the podcast? I didn't even know the name until you mentioned it. For about the last 2 years - I haven't paid any attention at all to CTH - the pod had way too much filler for my taste. And I know almost nothing about the CTH extended universe.

        • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
          2 years ago

          didn’t biden specifically appoint new people to the board who were cozy with dejoy 💀

          I don't remember the details because I intentionally didn't want to learn more. But I seem to remember Biden appointed some new people and - whoever they were - they weren't going to shitcan DeJoy by themselves.

          As time went on - I started to mention DeJoy only in passing and without much enthusiasm. It's pretty funny when libs are in "vote" mode. They don't even pretend to listen so arguing with them about anything is pointless. Bull elephants in musth are best entirely avoided and the same goes for libs in "vote" mode.

          if you’re an american it’s a must-listen.

          I'll give it a try. I wish it had a transcript but Matt would never do that for anything.