Should it be abolished?

How should it be abolished?

What it be replaced with? (e.g. a bigger extended family, a commune or phalanstery, or nothing/individualism)

  • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Bourgeois family just means failsons and inheritance. Literally bourgeois family.

    The extension of that into the working class isn't a couple and children, that's a natural arrangement (kinda just how having babies works). The shadow of bourgeois family in the working class is patriarchy, sexism, child abuse, filial piety, unequal division of labor in the household (abuse of women in the domestic economy), etc.

    Abolition of the bourgeois family is abolition of the bourgeoisie and abolition of the rotten bourgeois elements within the current atomized family structure.

    Anyone who preaches sudden and rapid changes to the family structure of society doesn't really understand the basis of revolutionary change. The family structure of society isn't rebuilt by removing children from their parents and rearing them in a pod (though creches and daycares exist and are a primitive form of social child rearing). It's to abolish the burden of domestic labor, equalize the role of all members of the family unit and allow for a shared burden when it comes to child rearing and domestic labor.

    This is realized not in some goofy "everyone shares a toothbrush and we all sleep naked in the same pillow room" type setup, it's realized by implementing measures like the GDR and USSR did in terms of free and universal childcare (usually linked to your home or workplace), a state operated cleaning service or a cleaning service that utilizes building rents to pay tenants to clean the building. Promotion of shared burdens in housing as well as social life that create and strengthen the solidarity of a productive unit of workers who live together in a building.

    Basically just being a good neighbor and making that idea extend a bit further into state operation and organization of service labor to alleviate the burden of domestic economy on women.