• NotARobot [she/her]
    2 years ago

    this sucks but the protestors are also larouchites so I say let them fight

    • geikei [none/use name]
      2 years ago

      Who cares they are never gonna hold power anyway and there are like max 1k of them all over america. But when the dozens of thousands of american "socialists" ,anarchists and communists fail to make their shitty socdems even a bit uncomfortable for their imperialism then as a non american i'll take the larouchites doing so as a net positive. Being toothless, worthless and non existant in your anti war action,rhetoric and pressure towards any politician at this historical momment makes most american leftists orders of magnitude more useless and damaging than this incoherent patsoc in the vid .

      • NotARobot [she/her]
        2 years ago

        hey I'm fine with them making socdems uncomfortable but when they are absolute clowns it's an easy dunk and even if they weren't this isn't meaningfully pressuring her so I'm content to just laugh at how stupid the whole situation is.

      • LeninsBeard [he/him]
        2 years ago

        Being toothless, worthless and non existant in your anti war action,rhetoric and pressure towards any politician at this historical momment makes most american leftists orders of magnitude more useless and damaging than this incoherent patsoc in the vid .

        It's really odd how people have a base understanding of the fact that Americans should not speak on other country's politics without knowledge of the situation on the ground yet non Americans have a free reign to speak on America like this.

        There ARE left parties protesting the war. There ARE left parties protesting outside of government buildings, outside of politician's homes, etc. I know this because I've been a part of these protests. You don't see it because there's a media blackout on this shit, and it only gets attention when some easily discredited assholes like these people are the ones doing the protesting.

          • LeninsBeard [he/him]
            2 years ago

            Then criticize the efficacy of our tactics, we take that into account and do our own self crit constantly. But to say we are not doing anything, or to say we are actively more harmful than some Tulsi stan jag offs who are doing nothing of actual impact, is fucking insulting to some of my comrades who have sacrificed a lot more than these people in the name of the anti war movement.

      • NotARobot [she/her]
        2 years ago

        The "Anti-war position" is not "taken up" by nazbols rather than the left unless you view socdem politicians as the left. Many socialist orgs have had generally good anti-war takes on the situation in Ukraine, including even DSA.

        Now obviously the question that follows are what are any of them actually doing about it and the answer is nothing particularly effective that I am aware of, and while I don't think they are any less effective than these larouchites, I also don't really know what ought they be doing. Feels like all there is to do is make the anti-imperialist case and then do regular socialist organizing so that next time hopefully the left will be strong enough to do something about it.

          • NotARobot [she/her]
            2 years ago

            I mean that's not for a lack of trying. There have been socialist organized anti-war protests about Ukraine, I've even attended one, I know people who organized protests outside of some congressional reps offices. Many of these things get like a turnout of a few dozen activists. If you think you have a way for such protests to be more successful, I'm all ears.

            You're right, it's not like it was in 2003. I think part of the reason it's not probably has to do with how it's a lot easier to justify giving weapons to a country being invaded then it is to justify invading another country, even if both are the result of US imperialism and will only hurt the respective regions. Probably also doesn't help with anti-war libs that it's Biden doing it.

            Lenin is figure of world historic importance resulting from him having a grasp on the conditions at the time better than anyone else. Who knows what he'd do if he was around today with a similar grasp on today's conditions. But he didn't exploit the situation in Russia alone, there was a well organized party and a massive socialist base that does not exist here today.