Maybe as an experiment, let's try to understand each other's positions ITT and not have the same boring old arguments (because they're boring).

Edit - nice discussion everyone, thanks <3. I'm seeing a lot of responses from ML and not many from anarchists, but maybe I'm the only anarchist on this site lol

  • plinky [he/him]
    2 years ago

    That party is corruptible, and may not act in workers best interest. I think only cuba and maybe dprk dodged deviations, so there is low probability of escaping that (and that’s due to Fidel living long enough). I.e. first gen revolutionaries are aware of what they are doing/what was before, second gen however are shaped by new reality without/reduced class conflict, and may attract unwanted elements (or just breathtakingly naive like gorby).

    Unfortunately we don’t know whether anarchist form is stable on that long horizon as well. Also modern weaponry problem is highly concerning for decentralized communities in general.

    Edit: also antifa where I’m from is predominantly anarchist, so hats off to them :rat-salute-2:

      • plinky [he/him]
        2 years ago

        Rojava is dependent on usa for weapons (exemplifying weaponry issue), and short-lived for now. Zapatistas are great and prolly longest surviving, however mexico is not exactly modern weaponry country, and capital has not been very interested in that region. But you are right, ezln is probably best case for long form anarchist resistance, they’ve started in 70s, and seemingly they change leaders (or generations, if more appropriate) without abandoning principles

    • infuziSporg [e/em/eir]
      2 years ago

      Also modern weaponry problem is highly concerning for decentralized communities in general.

      Would you say it's a problem of the weapons, or a problem of the size/integration of the fighting force?

      Many revolutions have been won with little more than rifles. I would also hold that there's a cost-benefit analysis going on for capitalist forces that compares the potential revenue from a geographic entity with the economic cost of overrunning whatever socialist form controls that area. I'm open to the idea that bourgeois nations and their militaries are irrational and reckless in their attempt to stamp out socialistic forms but my current understanding is that they mostly aren't.