slugbait666 [none/use name]

  • 15 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: May 18th, 2021


  • I do make notes about what people are saying and whether I can consider them trustworthy on the tasks that information can be applied to.

    Are you a secret agent or something? I prefer to build trust with people the regular human way, by getting to know them over a period of time, assessing whether or not they share my general goals and principles and seeing if they live up to their commitments. Whether or not they agree with my interpretation of the legacies of controversial historical figures seems less important to me. I also think that there are valid criticisms of Stalin and the U.S.S.R. generally that aren't based on lies and propaganda, so I wouldn't rush to assume that anyone engaging in that criticism lacks critical thinking skills or the ability to interpret information.

  • I think it's counterproductive to demand that people swear fealty to a dead soviet leader before considering them a potential comrade. Do you do this litmus test with your real-life friends? Like, do you really refuse to hang out with or organize with people who aren't stalin fans? Or is this more a test for deciding which leftist podcasters/online figures are "good" and which ones are "bad"? Neither makes sense to me, but I'm curious

  • This is the correct take. People's IRL contributions are much more important than whatever silly shit they say on twitter. Terminally online leftists (all of us on this website) need to grow up, log the fuck off and go do something real. But that's hard, so I guess we'll just keep anonymously criticizing strangers online and bickering with each other over ideological differences that no one normal cares about. For fucks sake, it's almost like COINTELPRO has become self-sustaining - leftists are so good at splintering their own movements by infighting that the FBI can just sit back with some popcorn and watch the show. But hey, I'm sure if we call enough people libs then communism will win, good job everyone.

  • slugbait666 [none/use name]toaskchapo*Permanently Deleted*
    1 year ago

    Nah, I met a friend at a hacker space who used an alias, and didn't find out his real name for years. At that point though everyone just kept calling him by the alias out of habit, so just bear in mind that if you introduce yourself under an alias you might be stuck with it for a while

  • I have a few:

    • Writing a sci-fi novel. I don't really care if gets published or anyone even reads it, I just want to have the experience of writing one.
    • Check out the various temples and shrines throughout India, Nepal (esp. Katmandu) , and S.E. Asia (esp. Angkor Wat)
    • Do a 10-day Vipassana meditation retreat
    • Learn to play a musical instrument
    • Backpack through (at least a good chunk of) the Appalachian Trail
    • Get all my friends together and have a week-long psychedelic bender in the woods where we do ALL the drugs and hopefully see a UFO
    • Set fire to a cop car
    • Two chicks at the same time

  • That's awesome, I wish that I had learned to quilt from my grandma while she was alive. Quilts are great gifts and heirlooms, I still have the quilt that she made for me when I was born. I'm sure you visiting her would mean a lot to your aunt, not just because she'd get to spend time with you (which I'm sure would be meaningful in itself), but also because you'd be showing her that you value something that she's good at and cares about. Honestly, it's kind of silly, because I don't know either of you, but the thought of you visiting and learning from your aunt makes me happy. We treat older people in the U.S. so fucking callously and disrespectfully, which makes me really sad and angry, so it warms my heart to see younger people giving a shit about their older relatives.