Maybe as an experiment, let's try to understand each other's positions ITT and not have the same boring old arguments (because they're boring).

Edit - nice discussion everyone, thanks <3. I'm seeing a lot of responses from ML and not many from anarchists, but maybe I'm the only anarchist on this site lol

  • iridaniotter [she/her, they/them]
    2 years ago

    It's kind of become a meme at this point that anarchists want to abolish bedtimes etc. but I've also seen actual critiques of and proposals for family relations and childhood. Marxists are supposed to be for the abolition of the family but I mostly see anarchists doing all of the critique.

    Something that annoys me that I see on places like communist theory reddit is the disdain for a vision of the future by communists REALLY into making sure they understand every word of Marx. Someone asks, "what will communism be like :)" and you give some ideas while acknowledging that Marxism is a materialist philosophy and not just a wishlist. Then some communist replies to you with several paragraphs calling you utopian and telling you to read Grundrisse. So yeah, I don't see anarchists and utopian socialists doing that. :blob-no-thoughts:

    • robinn [none/use name]
      2 years ago

      I guess abolishing bourgeois familial relations is a post-revolutionary question? Like in Engels' Origin of the Family he traces how familial relations change with a certain economic system. Maybe because anarchists aren't concerned with tactics like the vanguard and the DOTP (they want an immediate shift from a capitalist to a communist society), its of more importance to them to focus on how communist society will change things rather than how we will get to itl.