Maybe as an experiment, let's try to understand each other's positions ITT and not have the same boring old arguments (because they're boring).

Edit - nice discussion everyone, thanks <3. I'm seeing a lot of responses from ML and not many from anarchists, but maybe I'm the only anarchist on this site lol

  • President_Obama [they/them]
    2 years ago

    The entire left ideological debate is only on how to reach that point.

    This I disagree with. Marxism is an ideology but also a tool box to develop a path towards communism. Sure, no definite answer, because it's still philosophy.

    Anarchists by and large go by moral philosophy. A completely moral society can be theorised. But the anarchist philosophy can't develop economic critiques of society or of the development of society. Marxist economics are a thing, anarchist economics I've never heard of.

    What I mean to say is that the disagreement isn't in "how to get there". It's in the basis for both ideologies, in their philosophy : moralist idealism & dialectical materialism.

    Personally I celebrate the rightful abandonment of diamat from the 50's onward (IMO all AES have been failures so far), but from Marcuse to Zizek, there's been no grand milestone in (post)Marxist political philosophy - nothing that new communist parties may be centred around. Anarchist political philosophy nowadays seems to be mostly culture critique (e.g. Fisher) , and as always descriptive rather than prescriptive. Nothing to draw positive political programs from either.

    • space_comrade [he/him]
      2 years ago

      But the anarchist philosophy can’t develop economic critiques of society or of the development of society. Marxist economics are a thing, anarchist economics I’ve never heard of.

      Not an anarchist but this is entirely disingenuous on your part. You might disagree with anarchist economics or find that they're underdeveloped or whatever but to say it doesn't exist is just wrong.

      • President_Obama [they/them]
        2 years ago

        That's my bad, I'm not familiar with it. As I said, "I've never heard of em". Though Marxist economics are irrelevant nowadays, there are still familiar names like Andrew Kliman, Paul Cockshott, David Harvey, Yanis Varoufakis, and Richard Wolff.

        Do you have any suggestions of modern anarchist economists for me to start with?