Maybe as an experiment, let's try to understand each other's positions ITT and not have the same boring old arguments (because they're boring).

Edit - nice discussion everyone, thanks <3. I'm seeing a lot of responses from ML and not many from anarchists, but maybe I'm the only anarchist on this site lol

  • Des [she/her, they/them]
    2 years ago

    no matter what happens i sincerely hope we are never killing each other again. podcasting feds pretending to be anarchists are still throwing rage filled tantrums about 1930s spain to divide us. meanwhile, streaming feds pretending to be MLs are doing everything they can to divide us by making baby leftists associate anything even smelling like communism to reactionary social bullshit and absolutely chuddery. and always fascists trying to catch the nascent anti-capitalist by selling them the lies of antisemitism. we are being assailed from every direction. big $ being spent.

    you know they are starting to fear us when you see more and more money being sunk into what we see as hilariously bald faced attempts to divide us.

    either way the future is synthesis with material conditions we can't possibly predict. the principled left, whatever tendancy, are still together seeking out a classes, moneyless, stateless society as end goal and we'll all learn from each other and adapt to the material conditions what is needed to overcome this beast as it starts to sputter, seize, and enter it's most dangerous phase.

    :left-unity-2: :left-unity-3: :left-unity-4: