51% Yes - 49% No
As soon as it kicks in, I'm growing pounds of psilocybin to give away. At least five colonies in a constant rotation. :vot
51% Yes - 49% No
As soon as it kicks in, I'm growing pounds of psilocybin to give away. At least five colonies in a constant rotation. :vot
So it's nobler to just suffer? "Let's not take medicine because it's capitalism at the root of our sicknesses" is a take I see on here occasionally, and it's never the insight people think it is.
Also you could apply this to literally any other drug, most of which are worse than shrooms and very legal.
This is where the left, imo, gets kinda confusing.
We are against the system. But also for things that extended it's reign and makes it's misery even longer lasting.
I don't really know. Im going to go out side and plant some flowers and touch some grass.
Psychedelics make people question the system. Psychedelics make people more creative. Psychedelics have never extended its reign at all in any way whatsoever.