I see lots of comments here and other places how "Twitter is finished," etc. But I wouldn't jump the gun so soon. It still has a huge userbase and if you look outside of the western world (e.g. Japanese Twitter, etc) or the political world (e.g. art twitter, etc.) it's still being heavily used.

Remember to not be so idealistic about things "collapsing soon." All those alt-righters that got banned from places like youtube were clamoring about how the "streissand effect" would make them even bigger, but that never happened (they just migrated to bitchute or something like that and just slowly dwindled). I see ppl saying that about mastadon or truth social or whatever. Or comparing this to the digg/reddit situation, but are the material conditions really the same? Back then the internet was much more of a wild west than it is now. Now most things are so consolidated that finding another platform and, more importantly, getting ppl to move to it, is really hard. So step back and ask yourself, "what would a normie think?" Does anyone actually living in the real world and touching grass care about any of this shit? Like what even is mastadon? Or truth social? I see this extending to other areas as well, like ppl talking about how the "US will collapse soon" or "when the revolution happens, what will you do?" Sometimes empires collapse quickly, other times they take centuries to deteriorate.

Just some thoughts I had (feel free to dunk on me if it turns out I'm wrong in the future)

  • Upanotherday [he/him]
    2 years ago

    I don't think it will collapse quickly. The difference with your examples is twitter was bleeding money before the advertisers started bailing. Plus It was obviously never worth 40+ billion dollars in the first place.

    The collapse of twitter 100% depends on how Elon decided to make it profitable.... or at least slow down the bleeding. He can't run to the government and get subsidies for fucking twitter. I think he will be a bit worried about trying another cypto pump and dump in this market. What else does the genius business man have left ? Subscription fees ... and I am willing to bet "normies" are not going to be lining up to pay $8 a month to have their posts seen on twitter.

    Turning twitter into a private company severely harms its (and Elons) liferaft .... continuous outside funding. If you remove big market cap numbers there is nothing left but a unprofitable website.

    • RNAi [he/him]
      2 years ago

      He can’t run to the government and get subsidies for fucking twitter.

      The CIA and NSA probably beg to differ