outstanding features : Work more than you ever will in your life but earn a petty wage :angry-place: Academia is full of elders who formed a caste system which it will take you years to enter, if you even can. The pursuit of knowledge is secondary to funding concerns. :mao-shining: become alienated from your fellow workers :no-workers: be crushed by 18-wheeler on your way to Uni :no-carnism:

im done

  • Chapo_is_Red [he/him]
    2 years ago

    I always encourage US people to take some community college courses, if your job pays for it even better. Even if your teachers are all libs, you can get a lot out of it.

    • FourteenEyes [he/him]
      2 years ago

      I am taking biological anthropology because my mental illnesses have left me obsessed with the mechanics of how human brains, bodies, and societies :joker-gaming: interact to make a person, intro to philosophy so I can intend to read Hegel even harder, voice and diction because people keep complimenting my voice and I keep killing it at karaoke, and creative writing to get myself to fucking produce. That last one is the one that terrifies me, since as we all know, if I write a Bad Story, it means I am a Bad Person, and the first draft must be perfect immediately, so the clearest path to my dream of being an author is to never write anything ever because it might be bad :very-smart: