Not sure why I got banned in the first place, but I think it was from linking to an episode of The Dollop. IIRC I got banned from /r/communism101 for saying something slightly positive about Gorbachev (sure, go ahead a call me a lib -- it was like 3 years ago). Either way it seems that the mods think that communism began and ended with Lenin.
I was going to keep poking them but Matt said something on his cushvlog about how trolling isn't praxis and I felt called out
Let's all get baptized into the cult of Lenin, grow goatees, wear flat caps, and own cats
As an anarchist sounds cool tbh
I think everyone unironically needs a flat cap collection. Say a winter and summer one at the very least.
To be a Leninite I just need some flat caps? Good...very good.
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