Not sure why I got banned in the first place, but I think it was from linking to an episode of The Dollop. IIRC I got banned from /r/communism101 for saying something slightly positive about Gorbachev (sure, go ahead a call me a lib -- it was like 3 years ago). Either way it seems that the mods think that communism began and ended with Lenin.

I was going to keep poking them but Matt said something on his cushvlog about how trolling isn't praxis and I felt called out

  • ned_ludd [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Enforcing a degree of ideological consistency is reasonable for a party. This is essentially just that bit from a Chapo call-in episode where they get a call from the Park Slope revolutionary committee or whatever it's called (wish I could find that clip/episode, it rocks)

    • EnsignRedshirt [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I agree. I was just trying to be generous. It’s dumb, for sure, but if you start a club you can decide to have rules if you want them. They become limiting very quickly. In this case, to the point of parody. I prefer the CTH method of letting anyone show up and then ruthlessly mock them if they say stupid shit, only banning people who are clearly trolling.