Voting matters. Y’all should grow up. Yes, voting doesn’t solve everything but it clearly matters.


  • ElGosso [he/him]
    2 years ago

    You just like starting fights around here don't you lol

    • SacredExcrement [any, comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      Agreed, this is just cringy shit

      Voting matters, Biden said he will do things!

      Every fucking lib president in my lifetime has said they will do M4A and some bullshit about abortion being codified

      None of them did anything, except Obama and his insane healthcare plan that he completely caved on.

      bUt He SaId

      I don't give a fuck what president Joe "Crime "Hyde "Urban Jungles" Amendment" Bill" Biden fucking said unless he said he was gonna go swallow a 12 gauge. Shaming people for not voting for useless libs is stupid; we have no idea how to get to leftism, but it sure isn't going to happen via rigged bougie electoralism.

      Ed: Also this website has like 20k members, not all of whom are even active; if everyone here somehow lived in the right spots and voted, some libs STILL lose. Somebody needs to grandstand elsewhere.