Looks like de-aged Indy is going to save amerikkka from a 9/11 style attack on NYC during V-E day that the ancient greeks predicted with the Antikythera mechanism or something

  • Dolores [love/loves]
    2 years ago

    movie-star vs. franchise is such a false conflict oh yeah lemme defend the multimillionaire from the multimillion company. just engagement-driving Discourse to keep people talking about capeshit 24/7

    Do Not under any circumstances talk about intellectual property law or labor rights---its movie stars & "autuer directors" vs. the Studios, got it?

    • daphthedgb [she/her]
      2 years ago

      That's part of what also makes every CGI debate so obnoxious, it's discussed as an personal artistic issue when it's entirely rooted in the lack of labor rights.