Can't carry a tune in a bucket, didn't grow up listening to music, older than 20, younger than 40, currently have lots of time on my hands.

Teach me.

Or rather, apps, books, podcast, youtube, etc, recommendations.

  • InternetLefty [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Have a musically inclined friend give you a quick lesson and let you try out an instrument. If you like it, you can save up some dough for private lessons, or go into a music store and find some introductory books. For most instruments it's necessary to learn how to read sheet music, with the exception of imo guitar which you can get by without. I think everyone should at least learn some basic music theory like all the notes on the staff, flats and sharps, and how to count time and rhythm and stuff.

    Learn how to play some parts of your favorite songs, maybe play in an ensemble if you learn enough and stay interested. Play with friends/jam. Play with people who are much better than you and learn from them.

    If you develop both your musical talent and your taste for music, it's kind of like developing a new sense or learning a new language. In this one jazz guitar book by this guy Mickey Baker he says something like "you begin to develop a soul for music" by listening to, playing, and appreciating music. I think that's a good way to put it.

    I have played guitar for 16 years, took lessons for 6, now I just noodle around when I should be working. It's very fun. It does take some dedication though, but the results are well worth it.