EDIT: sorry for being absent in the thread, i mostly go on here when im doing time theft :soviet-playful: bc im spending most my time w gf. i like responding to most comments on threads tho

i think the state of the far right in amerika is really interesting and currently at a point of divergence.

there are 4 separate camps that are becoming increasingly hostile to each other. just like in highlander, there can only be one. one party will emerge as the voice of amerikan fascism and will direct the feral hogs in counterrevolution

the first camp is the institutional Republicans. these guys will stick to the neoliberal consensus, and they know they need the Dems as controlled opposition. they still want fascism, they just want to bring it about piecewise, drop by drop. they use dogwhistles and expertly use propaganda. Turtle Mitch, Ron DeSanctimonious, and Tom Cotton are great examples, wolves in sheeps clothing, they are "acceptable" in the eyes of Dems

then out of the ashes of the Tea Party came the trump camp. this camp attracted the republican base-- petit bourgs and reactionary labor aristocrats. now the institutional republicans have a hard time accomplishing anything without the approval of the trump camp. there are now a ton of trump sycophants currently in congress. they go more mask-off with their rhetoric but they still retain some of their "plausible" deniability.

then there are the elonheads. techbros and techbro wannabes who believe in the "technocracy". they think :my-hero: is the most special boy who invented online money management, electric vehicles, and space travel. they think all social ails can be solved like an efficiency problem, blind to the barriers posed by capitalism. in their quest for "efficiency" they will tighten the contradictions and probably plummet us into fascism faster than the two aforementioned camps. the melonheads have always been distinct from the trump camp due to geography (trump popular in rural areas and elon more popular on the coasts) and political differences (some elonheads associate with Dems more than Repubs; still fascist tho). BUT, these camps have diverged more sharply after feuding between :melon-musk: and the :cheeto-man: himself. they go mask-off like the trumpeters but in a different way, opting to focus more directly on class (melt-the-poor type shit); we know that all the right wing (dems included) hate the poor but none are so brash about it

now the Yeezus camp is arising, and its hard to differentiate this camp from the other three and thats what i think make it uniquely dangerous. it seems like the yeezy/trump friendship is weaker than its ever been and musk is censoring Ye, BUT YE IS GOING MORE MASK-OFF THAN ANY OF THEM. and this will inevitably attract the nazis. and all 4 of these camps NEED the nazis to do their dirty work. the german fascists needed the freikorps and the brownshirts to enable fascism to grow. now all these freaks who rallied around trump in 2015 will support Ye and, just like in 2015, bring massive attention to the fascist movement.

at this point the institutional Republicans have lost a lot of popularity and support among the far right. im sure there are more democrat voters who like mike pence than republican voters. if Ye, trump, and musk can coordinate better they will be the new republican party and they will be scarily popular (remember how the GOP was dying before trump, and remember that they dont need a majority of amerikans, they dont even need a majority of the voters, just enough to win the dumb electoral game)

ik my analysis is kinda disjointed, i mostly want to hear ur guys thoughts on the far right and more perspectives on the current situation

  • mittens [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Kanye is already being alienated from these spaces. He willingly left the tim pool web show or whatever, but Elon Musk has banned him too. Thing is, the cultural myth that partly sustains american fascism domestically and abroad is that they beat the nazis in the second world war, this is how they get to justify how democrats are nazis actually, because american nationalism is symbolically opposed to nazism (its enemies are by extension nazis too). so this brand of fascism can't easily absorb nazism as readily as some people would like to believe, they would lose the ideological substance that makes america exceptional, so for now, Kanye must and probably will go.

    I don't know where this might end up though, either the whole world really falls down into a hole of neonazism, or the US seeps into nazism quickly enough so that it loses its luster abroad and is transparently revealed as a monster, which kinda did happen with trump a little bit, we'll see how he'll fare on his second try.

    edit: my guess is that trump will distance himself from Kanye and Fuentes but he will be rather non-chalant about it. I do think that embracing outward nazism will alienate a significant portion of his voter base. He may be able to shoot a man in the street and not lose any points on the polls, but I don't think him giving a hitler salute may be as welcome.

    • ZoomeristLeninist [comrade/them, she/her]
      2 years ago

      good point, ye could still pull the brakes at this point. just 6 months on the dogwhistle diet will have ye as VP. maybe an exaggeration but that kind of "rehabilitation" happens all the time in the right.

      US is fucked Death to Amerika