I guess people are talking about the Hunter Biden laptop thing on the internet again because of :melon-musk:. That story about Hunter just leaving it at a computer repair shop seems kinda sus, doesn't it? But I'm not super interested in pulling at that thread. Anyway, at the time I did hear reports of the story getting suppressed. Is that just because it was full of pics of the dude smoking crack with his dick out, or is there also something substantial and worth keeping in mind as history unfolds behind us?

I'm asking here because I don't really want to go fishing around on the internet for Biden dick pics. That's icky. Feel free to just post PPB or whatever here too, but I'm all ears if a kindly comrade feels like filling me in.


  • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
    2 years ago

    This could be the break we have been waiting for if they really are smart enough to understand our long term value. If they are looking to just use us until the storm passes then we risked far too much for far too little. We could be invaluable in expanding their operations outside Uk by promoting their US partnerships and expertise- whether that's China, Mexico, other parts of the Black Sea, Poland etc...

    Finally, we need to have a plan on how we develop a corporate entity or LLP that allows us to draw on funds generated here to free us from existing (under-producing current commitments) and to build our own investment and expansion strategy. Maintaining the status quo is not an option. We can preserve our interest in the areas where minimal involvement is appropriate but should not get greedy and try to keep all the balls in the air that exist today. RCP, RSTP, BHRT all make sense and can co-exist and progress without our day to day oversight. But Advisors and the BD need a transition plan. I am assuming that by making this move it will require us to be traveling extensively and actually earning our keep. If that's not the case then we will know we are being used in a way that's not appropriate. BHRT will be our only other major time commitment (and Realty). But from my discussions with Jimmy I'm a little concerned that their strategy of marketing a soft commitment from BOC is not going to get the job done. We had assurances that the PRC money would come first and we would build on that. Right now I don't see that happening. If they want us in Beijing once a month and pitching this outside PRC we should be getting paid in advance just like every other team member thats getting a salary. We should be hiring people like Jim Lee to work east Asia and Australia and our new 3rd party marketer here in the states to do the heavy lifting if she is interested. We should also find someone of similar capabilities to do the same in Europe.
    We should also find a highly credible and discreet firm to perform due diligence and deep information for us on an ongoing basis. The kind of people that can get us information that's not available through a google search and some phone calls. We can use our own funds to pay for it and I'm sure your buddies down in Little Creek have some trusted independent contacts that do that sort of work.




    This is literally just the first email that comes up when I search "Burisma" lol. I haven't even dug that deep and there's already dirt.

    • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Another good one

      Ministry of Internal Affairs contacted the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources and the State Geological and Subsurface Survey of Ukraine to obtain all documents concerning licenses issued since 2006 until now to the companies of our Holding.

      Apart from that, they would unofficially approach our partnres, clients, suppliers trying to intimidate them to stop working with our companies.

      These are typical instruments to destabilize business.

      We urgently need your advice on how you could use your influence to convey a message / signal, etc .to stop what we consider to be politically motivated actions...

      Buriama reps just straight up asking Hunter to call in a favor from his dad and coup a government that's making business hard for them.

      • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
        2 years ago

        Jesus Christ he was making $83,333/month from Bruisma...

        Hunter receives a monthly fee from Burisma of $83,333.33 paid to Owasco. From that he receives a $70,000 salary with the net pay being $43,344.96. ($13,333 is reserved for Owasco, P.C. related business expenses.)

          • wrecker_vs_dracula [comrade/them]
            2 years ago

            Just elbows deep in that Ukraine cookie jar. From that first email you posted it seems like at the time Hunter was aware of but not overly interested in the situation in the Donbass. Also:

            “Imagine where you’d be today if you were able to tell Russia: Keep your gas. It would be a very different world you’d be facing today,” Mr. Biden told Ukrainian legislators. “It takes some difficult decisions, but it’s collectively within your power and the power of Europe and the United States..."

            This attitude towards Russian gas exports was seemingly widespread amongst the Americans -this comically naive belief that cutting off the flow of gas to the rest of Europe would bring the Russians to their knees. It ignores Russia's ~100 year history of encirclement and economic blockade.