I've really started to hate it when women like what I like. What can I do to change this?

  • TillieNeuen [she/her]
    2 years ago

    Yeah, you want to get out of those places. Not just because of misogyny, but also racism. Habits can be hard to break, so it would be a good idea to put up some barriers between you and them. Delete your account if it's something you log in to, that kind of thing. It's too easy to just slide right back in to what you're used to, even when you know it's not good for you. Some of the more technologically inclined users here might be able to help you with some ideas for putting up other barriers for yourself.

    As for why you resent it when women enjoy the same things you enjoy, I think @Kanna and @macabrett have already given you the best answers. I would just add that it is probably worthwhile to really dig in to where your desire to see women as "other" is coming from. Why is it fine if another guy likes [thing] but not OK if a woman does? I'm guessing there's some resentment there that you need to unpack for your own mental health. Remember that we're just people too, with our likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses, etc. You said somewhere else that you're struggling with depression, so I'm guessing you're probably having a hard time being kind to yourself right now, and maybe you're having a hard time being kind to others as well. If it's something you can afford, I can't recommend therapy highly enough.