i really gotta stop checking reddit-logo

pretty epic stuff!!!

That is fucking epic trolling!!!

A trolling master class.

Ukrainian trolling throughout this war has been elite level

Freedom intensifies!!!

As an American that works in the defense industry this caused the hair on my arms to stand up. Bless the brave men and women of Ukraine. ❤️‍🔥

Thank you for your hard work to supply our boys and theirs.

The lyrics work quite well for Ukraine too

Seriously. Land of the free, home of the brave. Absolute legends defending their sovereignty.

They're more American than some Americans these days.

Brilliant 😂😂

they should hack moscow metro and play it during rush hour

That would be epic

🫡 🇺🇸

Troll Level 1000

I bow in admiration to the soldiers in the trench, holding the line despite everything! Slava Ukraini, I soon get my next paycheck and send some over <3

This is amazing trolling.

Russian orcs are about to find out what 60 billion dollars of democracy feels like!

That’s freaking gold! Well done boys!

how awesome would it have been if during “rockets red glare” they got hit with cluster munitions frothingfash

That is Jedi-level trolling. Great job!!!

trolling hard

Epic 🤣 🇺🇸

Ukraine level trolling. Get some orcs!

They really are expert-level at trolling the shit out of the russians.

truly epic!

  • barrbaric [he/him]
    22 days ago

    "A bunch of russians got mad when we played the US national anthem and started shooting at our position!"

    Sounds to me like you just gave away your position and they're trying to kill you because you're at war?

  • SILLY BEAN@lemmygrad.ml
    22 days ago


    As an American that works in the defense industry this caused the hair on my arms to stand up. Bless the brave men and women of Ukraine. ❤️‍🔥

    literal fed lmao

  • BelieveRevolt [he/him]
    22 days ago

    As an American that works in the defense industry

    Freely admitting you're a piece of shit gulag

    They're more American than some Americans these days.

    Agreed, but only because I don't think being American is a good thing. There's probably way more Nazis per capita in ukkkraine than amerikkka too, so they're right in that way as well.

  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    22 days ago

    This is all so fucking stupid. How many 10s or 100s of thousands of people have died just to bring us back to roughly the pre-2014 status quo, all because a bunch of flesh eating beasts in Galacia have delusions of building a 19th century nation state in 21st century asia?

  • NewAcctWhoDis [any]
    22 days ago

    Now play Team America - Fuck Yeah!

    As flawed as the U.S. can be… it’s still pretty epic in how much it has an evocative and visceral effect around the world

    We are not flawed

    But I laughed pretty hard at this one.

    This is so amazing. If you close your eyes.. it truely feels like your sitting in an American classroom

  • Dirt_Owl [comrade/them, they/them]
    22 days ago

    The US has lost every war it's taken part in for over 75 years.

    I doubt the Russians care about some anthem from a pack of losers. Pure US copium lmao.

  • SoyViking [he/him]
    22 days ago

    They're more American than some Americans these days.

    A vote for Bart is a vote for anarchy

  • GenderIsOpSec [she/her]
    22 days ago

    i too would be agitated if someone was forcing me to listen to the USian anthem edgeworth-shrug

  • @ExotiqueMatter@lemmygrad.ml
    21 days ago

    No material analysis, only vibes. The Ukrainian military may be terminally crippled to the point they literally kidnap peoples off the streets to throw them on the front line but they really owned the RuZZian orcs by playing music really loud which is proof that Ukraine is wining, Putler is crying in his office as we speak smuglord.