"Hey, here's a great idea! What if on the first night of Hanukkah, we make a swastika crossword!"
Oh damn I didn’t even realize the timing. What the actual fuck
I spent like 5 minutes looking for something stupid in the clues and didn't even notice the shape until I read the comments to figure out what was going on
Also, heres another transgender hit piece based on bunk science to go along with it!
What do they sit down and say when making a crossword puzzle?
Its wordin' time?
what am I supposed to notice
EDIT: ohhhhh shit. I was reading all the clues instead of looking at it
Ryan McCarty, of Washington, D.C., is a principal consulting manager at a firm specializing in data/analytics for federal clients. He is also a baritone in multiple vocal ensembles.
This is his 23rd crossword for The Times, and his first Sunday. All but one of these puzzles have been themeless, like today's. To construct it, Ryan started in the middle and built outward, weaving lots of fresh, lively vocabulary. Twenty of the answers have never appeared in a Times crossword before.
Thrilled to have my first Sunday puzzle in the Times! This grid features one of my favorite open middles that I've made as it pulls from a variety of subject areas. I had originally tried to make it work in a 15x15 grid, but then decided to expand the grid out to a Sunday-size puzzle with a fun whirlpool shape. Hope you enjoy!
Even the answers is like something you'd expect from like 4chan.
Maximus 1 year 10 months
Principal Jan 2022 - Present 1 year
Attain, LLC 4 years
Consulting Manager at U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Apr 2020 - Mar 2021 1 year
Senior Consultant at U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission Apr 2018 - Mar 2020 2 years
Consultant at U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Apr 2017 - Mar 2018 1 year
i havent heard of maximus before but from a quick google search it reeks of CIA front
You won't guess how shitty their response was LAST time they did this
huh Netanyahu's back yet again? where's all the shitlibs screeching about term limits now?
I suppose it's to be expected from a newspaper that has always done apologetics for Nazis
I'm sorry what the fuck? Is this a form of protest or a dogwhistle? Who the fuck would ever want to make a racist crossword?
When was the last time they went mask off in the cross word?