Who the fuck sees this ugly sprawl and feels anything other than disgust?
Yeah not even chuds like this shit. That's why they came up with the whole Tartarian Empire theory.
we wuz
aryansscythiansegyptiansnative americansatlanteanscaucasiansTartarians! 20th time's the charmI think that's what my little brother is starting to get into, god damn it.
Shit man that's harsh. I don't even know what I'd do if someone told me the Empire State Building was built by Lemurians except laugh in their face.
Tartarian Empire
The quality of wingbat conspiracies has really declined. This isn't even interesting to read about. There's an ancient conspiracy to suppress art deco? Yawn.
Could you more easily demonstrate what an out of touch loser you are than being a suburb warrior?
The man knows his target audience though. The number of white reactionaries see the suburbs as "their" own enclave akin to their own white ethnostate is shockingly high.
Check out Orania in South Africa - it's what white Americans would do if they thought they could get away with it.
The Wikipedia page is suspiciously long :sus-soviet:
It's a wayyyyyyyyyyy more detailed article than a town of 2500 needs. It reads like gushing white supremacists wrote it (which they probably did)
I thought this was like a bombed area of kharkiv or some shit. You're tellin' me it's supposed to look like that?
Imagine dying in Afghanistan, defending da west, when "da west" is McMansions in a suburb and a dairy queen with a dead bush outside and cigarette butts.
also the people of Afghanistan never had any ambition of invading America or destrying these things
Why would they? Who'd risk their lives to invade the USA and destroy soulless McMansions.
I always remember the surveys they did in like 2010 that revealed that a lot of rural people in Afghanistan never heard about 9/11 and had no idea why the US was there. " Which is fair because I also have no idea why hte US was there.
Like america has two biodiversity hotspots and this abomination of inefficient mcHellery is whats worth defending lol
Its a region where there is a level of biodiversity. I think the CEPF considers California and deep south one
i just meant that cali and south get the title biodiverse which implies the rest is not diverse i.e. worse
Compare this to the legendary Leningrad premier of Shostakovich's Symphony No. 7 and it really becomes clear how fascism is just completely devoid of anything worth fighting for.
Got any good reads on Shostakovich's relationship with Stalin that are more nuanced than "le ebul globulism man hates music man bcuz no freedum >:( "?
No, sorry. I literally only know about that one symphony.
:mcmansion: :mcmansion: :mcmansion: :mcmansion: :mcmansion: :mcmansion: :mcmansion: :mcmansion: defend american culture
I thought this was some military airfield. What the heck is with that insane amount of tarmac?
suburbs are suicide & car-related fatality factories :very-smart:
and they say america dont have factories no more
When your job is to make clickbait engagement every waking hour of every day of your life, eventually your posts are going to look an AI chatbot discourse.
Yesss haha embody every unappealing stereotype the left has about you deliberately hahaha your kind has such a long and happy future ahead you totally dont rely on us for sustenance now
These are the people who snobbishly look down on us, seeing us as inferiors.