I've never been, any suggestions ?

  • englesintheoutfield [they/them]
    2 years ago

    Where in Japan are you going? I would say staying around the Yamanote line in Tokyo is a must, like im Shibuya or Shinjuku. Checking out the mrighborhoods around there is super fun. Wander at night around Golden Gai. Just wander and get lost in general. Some of the hip neighborhoods are fun like Shimokita or Koenji. Take a day trip to Kamakura and/or Yokohama. Drink some sake and wander around the arcades and discount stores.

    Kyoto is incredible and beautiful and all the rest.

    Osaka is just as dense and interesting as Tokyo with incredible food and an overall chiller vibe.

    Go to temples! Stay in a Ryokan if you can. Mt. Koya is a magical place to stay if you enjoy nature and buddhism.

    Nara is beautiful and has amazing history and watching the deer terrorize people for biscuits is great fun.

    Hiroshima is beautiful and so peaceful and I think visiting the atom bomb museum and peace park there should be a must for every american.

    Have fun!