They're trying to kill Paizo for being too based. Allowing the first unions in our TTRPG market? No fucking way! Don't buy from Wizards ever again you hogs

  • SadStruggle92 [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    Well, the problems that WOTC is gonna face are embedded in the nature of the product itself. AAA Videogame publishers can add whatever stupid bullshit rent-seeking behavior they want to their games, because fundamentally they're a piece of software that requires specific hardware to run it; hardware that they directly own & operate in the form of hosting servers. You cannot play fuckin COD MCMXXXVI- Operation Eternal Ukraine, or Genshin: Daycare Raiders without using the servers owned & operated by those companies.

    Pen & Paper TTRPGs are a fundamentally different kind of product; they may both be information products, and intellectual property. But one requires an actual physical hardware device to run, and the other by definition doesn't. This means that they are either trying to make D&D 6 more like a digital product/a videogame, or they know they are making a bad fucking game & they're trying to compensate by extorting revenue out of 3rd-party intermediaries.