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        • Ligma_Male [comrade/them]
          2 years ago


          You have to struggle against the tensions of the situation, adapt, and build up structures to persist once the situation is overcome.

          if you can elaborate on this that might be helpful.

          I’d like to hear what would be more holistic advice

          me too brother, me too.

            • Ligma_Male [comrade/them]
              2 years ago

              . Does it matter if we know exactly where motivation comes from? Maybe, but we still need something to help us while we figure it out.

              following the dry riverbed upstream probably helps you figure out why there's no water, and in the meantime... i don't know where i'm going with the analogy, but i don't have people or structures in my life to compel me. Hell, it's worse than that because i used to have that and I was done extremely dirty by a care provider and the people closest to me, and now i'm worse than if I had not tried to get better.

        • Ligma_Male [comrade/them]
          2 years ago

          what's to wtf about? that line is literally the same as just pull yourself up by your bootstraps. Just keep pushing the rock, sisyphus.

            • Ligma_Male [comrade/them]
              2 years ago

              if the only thing to do about the struggle is to keep struggling then we're fucked and you can feel free to skip my funeral.

              i'm so fucking tired of shit like this that doesn't help anyone. I cannot do anything with "just keep trying", even if there wasn't a pandemic, or winter, or some estranged family member left me a bunch of money.

                • Ligma_Male [comrade/them]
                  2 years ago

                  this is paralleling my struggle with the mental healthcare that's failed me my entire life.

                  We're expected to have intrinsic motivation and I don't. I can't force myself to complete a university course, count calories forever, exercise consistently, or the repeated failures of attempting to socialize "to get practice". and when I try to climb in those boxes it destroys my mental health.

                  Surely we can do better than a therapeutic model that presupposes the patient has internal drive. surely we can do better than all the normative crud and low success rate "advice" that is given to male-passing people who want relationships.

                    • Ligma_Male [comrade/them]
                      2 years ago

                      The only thing I can think of is forcing people to interact, like an adult grade school, but that requires institutional power.

                      yeah.. the last time i had any social success like that was before dropping out of college and capitalism atomizes us yadda yadda impossible to make friends in your 30s.

                      I just run with whatever advice until I burn out, sink deep into a depression, then do it again because no one else is offering a better model

                      :sadness-abysmal: good luck with that. I gave up because it hurts too much.