• BeamBrain [he/him]
    2 months ago

    An atheist was taking a walk through the woods, admiring all that evolution had created.

    "What majestic trees! What powerful rivers! What beautiful animals!", he said to himself. As he was walking along the river, he heard a rustling in the bushes behind him. When he turned to see what the cause was, he saw a 7-foot grizzly charging right towards him. He ran as fast as he could. He looked over his shoulder and saw that the bear was closing, He ran even faster, crying in fear. He looked over his shoulder again, and the bear was even closer. His heart was pounding and he tried to run even faster. He tripped and fell on the ground. He rolled over to pick himself up, but saw the bear right on top of him, reaching for him with his left paw and raising his right paw to strike him.

    At that moment, the Atheist cried out "Oh my God!...." Time stopped. The bear froze. The forest was silent. Even the river stopped moving.

    As a bright light shone upon the man, a voice came out of the sky, "You deny my existence for all of these years; teach others I don''''t exist; and even credit creation to a cosmic accident. Do you expect me to help you out of this predicament? Am I to count you as a believer?"

    The atheist looked directly into the light "It would be hypocritical of me to suddenly ask You to treat me as Christian now, but perhaps could you make the bear a Christian?" "Very well," said the voice.

    Suddenly, the bear shed its fur and donned a MAGA hat. It could no longer walk properly because of petro-masculinity, so God provided it with a Ford F-150.

    The bear revved the engine and approached the horrified atheist. "THIS IS ARE COUNTRY," it screeched as the truck slowly moved over the atheist and crushed him.

    • FourteenEyes [he/him]
      2 months ago

      Actually one wolf shows you a picture of what you would look like if you were black and the other what you would look like if you were Chinese

  • RION [she/her]
    2 months ago

    look at your worm. now look back to me. the worm is now diamonds

  • BeamBrain [he/him]
    2 months ago

    If you were alone in the woods, would you rather encounter a 6 foot 3 bear of a man, or a 3 foot 6 man bare?

  • LaughingLion [any, any]
    2 months ago

    gay is in, gay is hot, i want some gay, gay its gunna be

    this is why we choose the hot bear