
    • mittens [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Are you saying that Bleach is back and it's good?

        • Cromalin [she/her]
          1 year ago

          i absolutely don't believe this saves thousand year blood war. i read the manga, it was so fucking bad

            • Cromalin [she/her]
              1 year ago

              i was very bored, except for when kubo pulls the most bullshit powers out his ass. like "my power is that i exist in multiple dimensions!" "well, my power is i can attack in those dimensions!" and all that. i also thought visually it was really boring. soul society is a bad setting. i'm happy you liked it though

                • Cromalin [she/her]
                  1 year ago

                  that's true, and some of that did get me. i liked the guy who had the power "i am now god. you can't hurt me, because i'm god" and then a minor character reveals her power that was a secret til then and says "my power is this sword that can kill god". that was dumb enough that it was entertaining. but outside the 2 i mentioned i didn't care about most of the twists