• WittyProfileName2 [she/her]
    2 years ago

    I always took Gwyndolin as a trans masc metaphor, no clue if it's the dev teams intent but:

    He's always referred to by he/him pronouns.

    Gwyndolin sealed himself away in darkmoon crypt because he's unable to bear the changes that happened to him as a result of the illusions that make him feminine.

    The next you hear of him is in Dark Souls 3, since Gwyn has died he's abandoned the reversal ring (which is what was used to make him feminine) and left the crypt.

    So you have this bloke that wants to present as male being forced to live as a woman because of the superstitions of this patriarchal authority, gaining control of his own life again and choosing to lives as a man. And I stress again that this is just my reading of the lore but that screams trans allegory to me.

    • booty [he/him]
      2 years ago

      So you have this bloke that wants to present as male being forced to live as a woman because of the superstitions of this patriarchal authority, gaining control of his own life again and choosing to lives as a man.

      That was basically my read of it as well, however there's one problem. By the time you meet Gwyndolin in Dark Souls, Gwyn has been 'dead' for long enough that the world ended a long time ago. The rest of the gods fucked off to a different continent. Gwyndolin is here completely alone, except for a couple of worshipers. Gwyndolin is the god left. The only one.

      So why's he still girl mode if that's not the way he wants to live?

      • Orannis62 [ze/hir]
        2 years ago

        For the same reason it took me until I was 30 to come out as trans.

        He internalized what he was told about his nature

      • WittyProfileName2 [she/her]
        2 years ago


        Could always be "time is convoluted" shenanigans.

        Or, like, he's still processing his grief over what happened to Gwyn.

        Or, any of a sundry of other reasons that I'm not sufficiently versed in Dark Souls lore to know about.