Unregulated and unrestricted :freeze-gamer: chatbots and chatbot-adjacent tech are inevitably going to be garbage in/garbage out. Worse, here, a kawaii childlike-appearing :libertarian-alert: waifu bot picked up enough /pol/ and /r9k/ from what it was fed by the usual fandom to become an even more efficient propaganda machine than the average :heated-gamer-moment:

Shit's fucked. :debord-tired:

I'll finish by posting :manhattan: in advance for likely and maybe inevitable treat defending in this thread. I've heard it all. I already touch grass regularly. Shit's still fucked.

  • duderium [he/him]
    2 years ago

    The completely scientific and objective and non-ideological AI said it, so it must be true! /s

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      2 years ago

      I've heard pretty much that for years about numerous technologies, from search engines to search optimization algorithms to attempts to automate moderation on forums and message boards to attempts to "O B J E C T I V E L Y" judge beauty contest contestants in ways that seemed mysteriously :us-foreign-policy: . "The machine has no bias and no political agenda" is a bullshit claim, before and more than ever now, because the people that own capital decide what constitutes "nonpolitical" "neutral" or even "objective."

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          2 years ago

          That's the neat part. Pursuit of "nonpolitical" as a political goal will always be a political goal because it involves deciding what the default "nonpolitical" positions are. :think-mark:

          There's no way to watch the watchers in a truly "objective" or "nonpolitical" way. To believe otherwise is :LIB: fantasy.

          • FlintstoneSpiceLatte [they/them]
            2 years ago

            Couldn't have said it better myself, I might have mentioned once or twice before that the right: from conservatism to fascism, see themselves as the absence of politics. They are just normal people trying to uphold normality.