a fair tax of the rich is not one they could afford as to treat them fairly requires a guilotine. That said I'm a reasonable man and think after the revolution they might simply be disenfranchised at least on a first chance
sir mr bill gates I would gladly shine your shoes for a nickel but you and yours are literally demonic and I hope someone sends you a strongly worded recommendation to pay a 1% tax sir
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a fair tax of the rich is not one they could afford as to treat them fairly requires a guilotine. That said I'm a reasonable man and think after the revolution they might simply be disenfranchised at least on a first chance
Bill can go work on a bit of that farmland
He gets the Puyi treatment
Puyi or Romanov, the choice is yours Bill :meow-shining:
:padme-1: As compost, right?
:padme-2: As compost, right...?!
His choice I suppose :shrug-outta-hecks:
its the head tax
Honestly the :gui-better: is being pretty generous
Most deserve worse than how :gaddafi-stern: was killed
one that won't get you banned on :reddit-logo:
sir mr bill gates I would gladly shine your shoes for a nickel but you and yours are literally demonic and I hope someone sends you a strongly worded recommendation to pay a 1% tax sir
I respect you for answering the question with a non-answer. You're so brave and transparent!
At least they've got a username that perfectly describes themselves as the supreme rube they really are