"R U TRIGGERED" and all its subvariants were radioactive toxic waste and turned a valid and important psychological concept into bullying vector that for a time had nearly universal acceptance.

I still see vestiges of "le epic bacon" out there but it's mostly confined to aging :grillman: types and some :up-yours-woke-moralists: cultists and a few contrarian carninist edgelords that want to "trigger the vegans." Yes I know all of the above have a lot of overlap.

  • ElGosso [he/him]
    2 years ago

    The origin of the joke was making fun of self-important nerds who would type out banal and trite screeds about the kind of society we lived in like they were revealing some edgy profundity, the same kind of guys who identified with Heath Ledger's Joker. That so many of them started off with phrased like "We live in a society where" became just "we live in a society :joker-che: "