"R U TRIGGERED" and all its subvariants were radioactive toxic waste and turned a valid and important psychological concept into bullying vector that for a time had nearly universal acceptance.

I still see vestiges of "le epic bacon" out there but it's mostly confined to aging :grillman: types and some :up-yours-woke-moralists: cultists and a few contrarian carninist edgelords that want to "trigger the vegans." Yes I know all of the above have a lot of overlap.

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    2 years ago

    “Make me a sammich”

    Every single enthusiast for that meme that I knew in college that said it more than a few times and held onto it became some variety of incel/MRA, some even going to the gym for "gains" while maintaining and worsening their utterly repulsive personalities. The others sort of just floated in the :jordan-eboy-peterson: and :kubrick-stare: continuum while in Joe Rogan's orbit. Some got pretty decent jobs and at least one is a manager at a tech company now, but last I checked they're still lonely, one and all, throwing money at women pretending to like them several time zones away in the Asian Pacific and mailing them gifts and stuff but otherwise wondering why they're in their 30s and 40s and still single. Must be feminism, surely. :frothingfash: