"R U TRIGGERED" and all its subvariants were radioactive toxic waste and turned a valid and important psychological concept into bullying vector that for a time had nearly universal acceptance.

I still see vestiges of "le epic bacon" out there but it's mostly confined to aging :grillman: types and some :up-yours-woke-moralists: cultists and a few contrarian carninist edgelords that want to "trigger the vegans." Yes I know all of the above have a lot of overlap.

  • barrbaric [he/him]
    2 years ago

    New editions are so poorly written that most people who are fans of Shadowrun don't recommend playing them. I haven't checked out 6e, but 5e's layout was abysmal. Stuff like sections of rules that frequently reference other rules that were 30+ pages apart for no reason, and lots of links to the index were wrong.

    When I ran Shadowrun for around 1-2 years a while ago, we gradually built up a houserule document that ended up being over 30 pages long.