Really spent 20 bucks and 4 hours to watch what is essentially an advertisement and prologue for the 3rd movie
Like, I really don't care about this side story between Jake Sully and Mr. Buzzcut over here that serves the sole purpose of setting up a grander 1v1 rivalry when the planet war happens next movie (which I will also not care about over the literal existential war the Na'Vi will be fighting)
There's this beautiful planet and our main character of all Na'Vi has to be Mr. Dipshit? We could've learned more about how the Na'Vi governs themselves. About all the struggles that happen in their lives, whether it be political, economical, resources, etc. How they're developing since the humans have defected and given them new technology. I would've loved to see them develop gorgeous fields of agriculture or something. But no, let's make an entire tv series about Mr. Dipshit and his half human demon breeds retiring and moving to the coast of Mexico to enjoy the beautiful sea resorts, snorkeling, and whale watching
I swear I'm not racist against humans or anything but I'm so sick of this white savior bullshit
yeah and you can watch avatar for free here anyway