Can’t believe I slept on it thinking it was gonna be some run of the mill “people go to a place and get slowly killed off” type thriller. Highly recommend if you’ve also let it pass by like I have.

It’s also very funny.

  • LGOrcStreetSamurai [he/him]
    1 year ago

    I like it a lot. It’s a movie that touches on a lot of things and actually has something say. Capitalism, art under capitalism specifically, labor, social media, enjoyment versus consumption , class, and a bunch of other stuff. It doesn’t nail everything but I respect the fact it had something to say. It really did great job using the guests and situations to tell a good story on top of the social satire/commentary.

    I really like the scene where one chef does his course in front of the guests. I really think it shows how trapped you can feel working under capitalism. You work super hard to get good at something only to realize you will hit a ceiling. A ceiling you can’t brake through and all you have to show for it is your ruined relationships and broken body. You sacrifice so much for your craft/art/talent only to find you never had a chance from the start. Grim and wonderfully well-done.

    I love it when film has something to say other than “turn off your brain”. The movie wasn’t flawless or anything but at its core I think it was just a solid script with great cast. Which is more than most movies these days

    • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
      1 year ago

      Are you talking about Boyfriend Guy? Cause that was more calling out a hipster foodie who can't acrually cook

      • LGOrcStreetSamurai [he/him]
        1 year ago

        I mean the scene where the one chef does a trigger/content warning in front all the guests as his course for the meal. That one I think really examine how much people work hard and genuinely try their best but the systems they are up against are totally stacked against them. Which is such a bummer cause so many people are so talented and work hard. Capitalism tells you it’s a meritocracy but the grind never enough.

        • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
          1 year ago

          Oh that guy. I'm a cook who has dabbled in finer dining and this is acrually how most sous chefs are