From what I saw, the previous reboot was fine, even if it made the supernatural more directly "real" consistently which is a significant thematic change from the older shows.

It's too bad that :frothingfash: vomiting :us-foreign-policy: tantrums everywhere will make any non-chud criticism of the most recent show almost impossible without being associated with the :frothingfash: , but maybe that is the point.

From what I read about it, it seems to be a le drugs (as in, no more Shaggy "snacks" subtleties) and le sex pestery edgy reboot that it seems no one asked for and no one wanted, but because it pressed the right chud provocations button it has protection from criticism.

  • ssjmarx [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Scooby Doo never really goes off the air. At this point it's a cultural institution not unlike the Simpsons - but while that show has tried over the years to hide the seams created by changing producers, writers, artists etc, the Scoobyverse embraces those seams, creating spinoff after spinoff and every time one show ends replacing it with another that's usually coming at the material from a completely different direction from the previous version.

    And they're mostly shit.