Yes I know it's :reddit-logo: but it's good fun. Also I will only avatar post until we get blue cat people emojis

  • HornyOnMain
    2 years ago

    Another good one I found:

    imagine being such a dense fucking dipshit that you ever say something like this, thinking that you are a conscious, rational human being

    The fucking Tsar has all the troops and all the arms and all the food in the country and you're a dirt eating, sheep fucking half man of a peasant

    Funny, many people have thought the same as you and have tried to uproot Tsarism via sabotage and violence, yet Tsarism is currently at it's strongest, most stable point in human history. Tsarism is the societal reflection of the human condition, good luck trying to get rid of it lol

    God reddit is full of such fucking morons

      • HornyOnMain
        2 years ago

        The mods are removing all the explicitly communist comments for being about politics and leaving up all the right wing ones so this original comment has been removed but this is the guy they were dunking on: