Very cool of you, WSJ!

  • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
    2 years ago

    On the other hand, Elliot Roger was half Asian and he went on a shooting spree targeting Asian men for the specific reason that they were getting dates and he wasn't.

    Not the same motivation for sure, but possibly not that far off either.

      • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
        2 years ago

        oriental looking people


        generally the most accepted race that isn’t white, the model minority myth originates with them.

        There's no realistic or materialistic way to quantify who is more or less accepted. Even trying to compare results in weird as fuck statistical phrenology. Are Jewish, Indian, or East Asian Americans the best off economically? By income or by wealth? How about culturally? Are African Americans much more accepted than Asian Americans because they receive much more representation? At what ratio do these factors constitute "acceptance"?

        The model minority myth was foisted on Asian Americans by white people (first use of the term was by a white sociologist in the 60s, at least according to Wiki). And yes, while some misguided people in the AsAm community have adopted this label as a positive point, we can also see examples of all minorities doing this as survival mechanisms in white-dominated societies. Does some Black dude boasting about how he's good at sports and in bed represent the broader opinions of the black community?

        There has been plenty of times east asian people have chosen to side with whites over bipocs. The honorary aryan shit with japan didn’t come from nowhere.

        There are comparators in every single minority group in the West. This is basically no different than the white supremacist apologia of "the original slavers were Blacks/Arabs". As for Japan, it's probably also good to remember that the vast, vast, majority of its imperial victims were other Asian people, especially Korean and Chinese people who were killed in their millions during war and occupation.

        Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, when they are americans more often than not they align themselves with white people.

        Have you considered whether this is even a racial issue or something which arises out of background? A significant proportion of Korean and Vietnamese Americans have backgrounds that go back to Gusanos fleeing successful Communist revolutions or wars. China has the same with many migrants having fled when the KMT collapsed or when HK got handed back to the PRC. The many Japanese migrants are the privileged comparator class from the boom in the 80's, etc.

        This is like looking at Florida Cubans whose parents were gusanos and gusanas and say "gee, Latin people sure are reactionaries".

        asian men making up a disproportionate amount of mass shooters.

        I've heard this a lot recently but haven't seen a source for it. Do you happen to have one on hand?

        They are the least bipoc out of all the bipoc.

        How the hell is this even assessed? Are Native Americans the most BIPOC because they were subjected to systematic genocide which even Black people weren't? What about Jewish people? White passing but the Holocaust, how does that factor?

        I thought that leftists had moved past the oppression Olympics because we agreed it was dumb and counterproductive but here I am in 2023 arguing about it on Hexbear.

        Theres are legitimate grievances held against asians by the Black community.

        There are legitimate grievances held against every single minority group by every other group because white supremacy props itself up with divide and conquer tactics. Like yeah, we could relitigate "Some Asians are Anti-Black" then "Some black people are in violent gangs" then "Some Latino people smuggle drugs" then "some Muslims are homophobic" and on and on and on. Where does that get us? Nowhere. Who wins from that? Whitey, and nobody else.

        Theres a reason why latinx people who are more genetically related to europeans are not as white as a Japanese person in western society.

        The Japanese musician who was assaulted in NYC because people thought he was Chinese is whiter than Ted Cruz. Makes sense.

        • GaveUp [love/loves]
          2 years ago

          I’ve heard this a lot recently but haven’t seen a source for it. Do you happen to have one on hand?

          I posted a reply to him as well, all his claims are completely false and I've posted the data sources

      • GaveUp [love/loves]
        2 years ago

        2 day old account

        Lots of :citations-needed: in your :fedposting:

        align themselves with white people ... Its why you had heinous shit like the roof koreans, asian store owners shooting Black kids

        Not sure what this has to do with white people. You're implying here that black people are the opposite to white people as crimes against black people means you must side with white people. Super weird

        and asian men making up a disproportionate amount of mass shooters

        Looks pretty proportionate to me. Only latino is disproportionately low

        east asian oriental looking people are generally the most accepted race that isn’t white

        Asians definitely aren't hate-crimed disproportionately less either

        Most accepted how? Like you said, model minority myth. White people like the fact East Asians disproportionately excel in school, have disproportionate upward income mobility, produce lots of value for their employers through high revenue generating roles like engineering to have an excuse to shit on other minorities. Sure, this is technically "most accepted" but it's like how killing somebody with a knife is "nicer" as opposed to drowning them

        Asians have the disproportionately weakest political power in both the government and private sector too

        Also, what you said has NOTHING to do with the conversation at hand btw. You brought all this up out of nowhere