The Battle of Red Mountain was the climactic final battle of the War of the First Council. The war was fought between the Chimer (comprised of the Great Houses as well as the nomadic Ashlanders, united under Indoril Nerevar the Hortator); the secular Dwemer, also known as the Dwarves; and the Nords of Skyrim under High King Wulfharth, intent on reconquering lost territory.

The war started after the discovery by Voryn Dagoth, the leader of the Chimer Great House of Dagoth, that the Dwemer had discovered a powerful artifact called the Heart of Lorkhan underneath Red Mountain. The Heart of Lorkhan is said to be the actual heart or “divine spark” of the god Lorkhan, fired into the sea by Auriel/Akatosh as punishment for creating the mortal plane. High Craftlord and Chief Tonal Architect of the Dwemer Kagrenac had planned to harness the heart and use it to power a giant mechanical god called Numidium. After the discovery of this by the Chimer, Nerevar confronted his friend Dumac, king of the Dwemer, and the two quarreled bitterly. As a result of this, Nerevar led the Chimer to war against the Dwemer in order to stop what was called by the Chimer a “profane” usurpation of godhood.

The battle itself was mostly fought between the Chimer and the Dwemer in the year 1E 700, although many Nords and Orcs were present. Some sources list them as allies of the Dwemer. Accounts of what exactly happened during the battle differ depending on who you ask. The account of Vivec, the close advisor of Nerevar who was present at the battle, covers most of the events, although outside sources are needed to supplement his narrative as several key events are conspicuously missing. The absence of death of Indoril Nerevar in particular is important, as it is one of the most contentious topics in Tamrielic history. Vivec tells us that the battle proceeds thus: Outside of the mountain, the Chimer lured many Dwemer out from their secure strongholds and pinned them down thanks to plans laid out by Nerevar. After this, Nerevar left others to command the assault outside while he took a small party, including Lord Voryn Dagoth, into the chamber in the center of Dumac’s citadel where the Heart was kept. Vivec attributes this to “secret” means, although at least once source claims that an act of treason allowed them entry. Inside the heart chamber, Nerevar’s party met with and fought against Dumac Dwarfking and his guards. According to Vivec, Nerevar and Dumac fought each other directly, and both sustained grievous wounds.

Here sources diverge, but I will use Vivec’s personal account of the battle rather than the orthodoxy of the Tribunal Temple as it is the generally agreed upon series of events. Kagrenac, out of an act of desparation soon after Dumac fell, used his Tools on the heart in an attempt to tap its power. This final gambit of Kagrenac ultimately proved the undoing of the Dwemer, as the act of using the Tools caused the disappearance of every known Dwemer on Nirn (one individual Dwemer was known to have survived, as he was in a plane of Oblivion at the time) and, consequently, the apparent extinction of the Dwemer race.

Henceforth, the most contentious events of the Battle occur. According to Vivec, Lord Dagoth recommended the immediate destruction of the Tools of Kagrenac, but Nerevar wished to consult with his councilors. He entrusted the tools to Dagoth and had himself carried out to the Tribunal (his three most trusted friends, including Vivec) out on the slopes of the mountain. The Tribunal recommended that the tools be preserved in case the Dwemer returned, but on their return to the chamber Dagoth refused to relenquish the tools. Apparently, he behaved irrationally: the Temple would later conclude that he had inexplicably adopted the views of Kagrenac. Nerevar and his guard resorted to force, and after the fight was over, Dagoth was gone, presumed dead, Nerevar was dying, presumably from wounds sustained by Dumac, and the Tribunal was in possession of the tools, which they used to give themselves immortality and elevate themselves to godhood.

Many sources disagree on this account of events. Vivec’s story suggests that Dagoth Ur was nothing but loyal to Nerevar throughout the battle and a few sources even peg Dagoth as the most loyal out of all of Nerevar’s advisors. Other sources, however, treat House Dagoth as having openly aligned with the Dwemer during the battle, citing House Dagoth as a more “secular” organization that did not want to go to war with the Dwemer over the tools. Furthermore, Ashlander sources allege that during the meeting with his advisors, Nerevar was betrayed and murdered by the Tribunal outside of the mountain (FOUL MURDER) before the three then confronted a defiant Dagoth for the heart. When he would not yield, they drove him below the mountain and stole their divinity.

Whatever the case, the battle ultimately ended with the disappearance of the Dwemer, the death of the Hortator Indoril Nerevar, and the ascension to godhood of the Tribunal: Vivec, Almalexia, and Sotha Sil. The Tribunal’s divinity in particular is significant, as it greatly angered the traditional god of the Chimer people, Azura. As a result of her people’s betrayal, Azura cursed the Chimer to have dark skin and red eyes instead of their pale gold appearance as before, turning the Chimer into the race that is today known as the Dunmer.

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  • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
    1 year ago

    Okay, arachnids are also bugs. Bugs aren't just insects. It's an umbrella term for all lil guys with exoskeletons and also worms, slugs and snails. I don't know where this bug= insect bullshit comes from but it stops now. If you can find it by lifting a rock, that's a bug.

    • Abraxiel
      1 year ago

      Actually not even all insects are bugs. Bugs have mouthparts that are evolved to pierce or suck.

      • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
        1 year ago

        Yeah, let's just decide that a broadly used umbrella term is hyper fucking specific. Change the name of your weird succ bugs to some Latin shit.

      • Bay_of_Piggies [he/him, comrade/them]
        1 year ago

        Those are True Bugs™ and no one uses the word like that in normal speech. If anything that reinforces the idea that Bug™ should refer to all creepy crawlies because any attempt to 'um-akcually' results in the fact that only a small minority of insects are technically bugs.

      • booty [he/him]
        1 year ago

        where do you people find these absurdly specific definitions that no human actually uses? "bug" is another word for "creepy-crawlie." if it's a little living thing that you find unpleasant it's a bug, no matter what kind of animal it is

        • Abraxiel
          1 year ago

          I didn't make the rules. Entomologists did. No one is going to tell you to stop calling little guys bugs. It's just a neat piece of trivia about the term in a specialized context.

          • booty [he/him]
            1 year ago

            pretty sure the regular people using the word bug came before entomologists decided to attach hyper-specificity to it. and as a regular person, not an entomologist, i have no obligation to acknowledge entomologists being weird about definitions.

          • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
            1 year ago

            Entomologists make shit etymologists then. "Entomos" being am ancient Greek term for insects in specific reference to their segmentation. Entomologists get to study more thsn insects because Entomos was used to describe literally all creepy crawlies in ancient Greek casually as well.

            In conclusion entomologists are evil.

            • Abraxiel
              1 year ago

              No, entomologists are cool.

                • Abraxiel
                  1 year ago

                  I knew some as a kid and they showed me cool bugs in the woods.

                        • Abraxiel
                          1 year ago

                          Yes, they would go, "aha!" And show me a giant waterbug. Or a dragonfly (not a bug).

                            • Abraxiel
                              1 year ago

                              No, flies are bugs. They got a proboscis.

                              • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
                                1 year ago

                                And you're gonna have the fucking nerve to tell me now that a dragonfly isn't a fly. It's in the name. You've been brainwashed by all those flashy Entomology commercials on TV.

                                • Abraxiel
                                  1 year ago

                                  Victim of the big bug brainworms (not a bug)

                                  But dragonflies just have regular mandibles and mouth parts and are a member of the infraorder Anisoptera, while flies like houseflies are in the order diptera.

                                    • Abraxiel
                                      1 year ago

                                      I was going to say that ribbon worms might be, but then I checked and realized I was wrong earlier and that it's both the mouth stuff and some wing stuff. So flies aren't true bugs either. Bugs are members of the order hemiptera and more stringently the group within that order of heteroptera, where the little guys have one pair of wings and another pair of wings that are harder and thicker.

                                      • Abraxiel
                                        1 year ago

                                        I've just been goofing around, but now I'm thinking about insects and reading about them and having a different kind of fun, so thanks.

                                        • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
                                          1 year ago

                                          I do tona point believe we gotta give the name bugs back to the people and this specifically needing a provoboscis category needs its own name, make it Latin and sciency or whatever, but bugs is bugs.

                                          • Abraxiel
                                            1 year ago

                                            Yeah it's Heteroptera (Greek for tha bug zone)

                                            (Or it means different wing, one of those.)

                                            • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
                                              1 year ago

                                              Okay. That's your technical insect with a succ mouth bug type. But from this point on, if someone corrects me for calling a spider a bug instead of an arachnid, I can sue them.

        • TerminalEncounter [she/her]
          1 year ago

          I mean, semantically and in normal English there are still fish lol but just biologically and genetically they aren't no fish.

          In terms of phylogenics, fish as a category isnt useful - it counts sharks, sail fish, tuna, lungfish, and in older English dolphins and whales. Hagfish and goldfish have almost nothing in common, and if they count as fish because they derive from the prototype fish ancestor than all land animals including people should be fish as well.

          • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
            1 year ago

            Oh no no no no. This is some bugs are insects with straws. I don't cotton this crap. They're fish. Whales and dolphins are on thin ice.

    • Nagarjuna [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Also, if you're gonna tell me that pill bugs are bugs, then we've gotta count other crustaceans too. New Englanders eat bugs

      • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
        1 year ago

        Crustaceans are just big bugs and I'm from the Canadian maritime. We don't eat the bugs but we do sell em