Nobody talks about incels any more. It's like they just disappeared. Did we solve it? Was it magic? Or are they just lumped in with the white supremacist terrorists now?

Anyway. 'Member incels?

    • lvysaur [he/him]
      4 years ago

      It's also more complex, it is definitely due to white supremacist nonsense.

      1. tell white males they're better than everyone else

      2. WMs spend their whole lives with latent superiority complex, or at least a "phew I may suck but at least I'm still white so I got that going for me" complex.

      3. since white supremacy is an unsustainable bubble that began progressively popping in the late 1800s, the social currency of whiteness only decreases with time. There are more POC now in every "desirable" white position: top colleges, well paying jobs, and of course dating white women.

      4. WMs at the bottom lose their last bit of currency, the fact that their whiteness has value. Imagine being told you have a 300k trust fund and then suddenly realizing that it's only 5k. This is what happens when le virgin sees le stacey dating not only "Chad", but also "Jamal"

      This is why Eliot Rodger (technically only half, white dad Asian mom) had such a vile hatred of Asian men. Multiple times in his diary he was seething whenever he saw Indian, Black, or East Asian men with white women. Because he fancied himself half white, and thus more deserving of such attention.
      The fact that POC men could attain white women meant that any sort of racial self worth he had was now worthless.

      Of course the mayos on reddit/4chan whitewashed his crimes--he was known as simply an "incel" shooter, but 4 out of his 6 victims were men, all POC men (the other two white women). He was a white supremacist incel.

      • wtypstanaccount04 [he/him]
        4 years ago

        This also results from schools and colleges teaching radlib versions of intersectionality that completely ignore class. I feel that this is deliberate.

        • lvysaur [he/him]
          4 years ago

          You're right, but they don't just ignore class, they ignore a whole lot of stuff (including the "intersection" between race and gender, the difference between ethnicity/caste and race).

          I can't even count the times that libs equate race discrimination with caste or ethnic discrimination (discrimination towards Irish, caste bias in India). They completely ignore the fact that these categories are not bolstered by physically observable and inborn delineating boundaries--Brahmins look the same as Shudras and Irish look the same as Anglos, so the discrimination eventually starts to disappear with modernization. Not so for race.

          I'm sure some of it is deliberate, most of it is simply because the vast majority of people can't really think critically (I know it sounds edgelord but it's true)