:cool-zone: end this fucking blight of a country. love and power to the people who head out to protest tonight.

don't watch this if you value your sanity.

  • VernetheJules [they/them]
    a year ago

    Yeah even if I was safely pulled over and a cop tried to pull me out of my car for no reason I'd fucking run. If that was happening at a major intersection I'd be fearing for my life that I was about to get beaten and/or killed.

    They have know their mask has slipped off to say "just don't run" in response to this because if a cop says or acts like they are going to kill you, then what options do you have? Peacefully surrendering on the spot isn't one of them. If it was then cops wouldn't get the option to use lethal force when they're faced with the same--or far less.