Considering the word "acceptable", I don't think they're talking about, like, removing dogeza or whatever, I think they mean things people find disgusting.
Looking at the original Japanese article, the word used is 表現, which is unambiguously the abstract meaning of "expression" rather than "(facial) expression" which is 表情
Scanning through the article I sincerely do not know what they mean by "expressions".
My first assumption was maybe trying to use less Japanese culture specific human expressions of emotion, but I don't know, the article is super vague.
Are people here assuming this actually means less high school aged fan service bs?
Considering the word "acceptable", I don't think they're talking about, like, removing dogeza or whatever, I think they mean things people find disgusting.
Looking at the original Japanese article, the word used is 表現, which is unambiguously the abstract meaning of "expression" rather than "(facial) expression" which is 表情