An ex of mine asked me that once, and when I said no that's weird she responded with "Well clearly you're not doing it" which led to some serious self reflection.
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Filthy rooms :up-yours-woke-moralists: lead to filthy minds!
Okay but why do some women want this??? I'm not against it and if my girl asked me I'd go for it cuz fuck it I'll try anything once especially if it involves my partner wanting to touch my dick. But like why. What's the appeal?
its a flesh noodle and its fun to touch :shrug-outta-hecks:
except mine. i will barbecue it one day
I'm a dude but I think it's just curiosity. It's pretty intimate while not completely sexual. Also it became a meme which increased curiousity I think.
A lot of women who don't have a dick of their own are just intensely curious about them, especially outside of directly sexual contexts, and in many cases particularly when it comes to peeing functionality.
Am I weird for being like "well i would probably say sure?"
Not weird at all. It's intimate, it's a little different, it's vulnerable. If my partner asked me I think I'd actually be kinda excited ngl
I would definitely say yes. I'm shocked that anyone would say no to a free body sharing with their partner.
I wouldn't want strangers to touch me like that, but my husband sure..... :deeper-sadness: but he'll never go for that.
Maybe I just have an easier time getting erections than most, but someone else holding my dick would probably result in an erection. And then aiming gets real hard.
Just seems very messy.
let's just say I'm feeling a little Berlin in your jeans :bugs-stalin:
Architects and putting a giant dong in the skyline, name a more iconic duo.
Transfemme bullies closeted transmasc (he wanted to know what it feels like to stand pee)
it's only fun if you're not significantly taller than the toilet bowl, at which point it becomes a Kegel exercise.