i think my teacher from the uni actually forgot the online classes would start today so i am just hanging around and listening to the sonic r soundtrack

  • Shinji_Ikari [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Every monday at work I get more sick and more sad with my job so i'm sitting around being unproductive. Which would be fine normally but I don't want to dump more work on my coworkers.

    I want to transition my careers focus but my manager is ghosting me about training materials for me to get better at something we plan on going after in the near future. So i'm browsing jobs in what I want to do and I dont know whats worse, doing something cool with a megalocorp and not owning my hobby projects, or working at a pencil pushing small company doing something that makes me feel like death, or getting a loan to buy an excavator and digging trenches.

    I just want a remote job that doesn't make me sell my soul or feel like i'm receiving a treppaning, so I can find a place thats semi rural and do woodworking.

    I'm privileged in my position but i'm selling out my moral foundations for a job to pay off my student loans. How can I be so sad when people have it so much worse? but how can I tell myself how I feel isn't legitimate?

    • redthebaron [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Bud like it is fine to feel sad first of all like things are not going great all around, and you are not forbidden of being sad of how things are going because people have it worse, i don't know what you should do like telling you to go find a job that makes you happy on this day and age seem like mockery so i don't know just really understand it is fine to be sad, as long you want too, as long as you are aware that you will eventually have to deal with how you feel and what makes you feel that way

      • Shinji_Ikari [he/him]
        4 years ago


        I would like to find a new job, I did just sign a new lease so maybe I could find a remote job that could give me time to GTFO of my area, because anything here will be more of the same.

        I think I have a near impossible goal of both enjoying my work and making enough to be comfortable. An old friend of mine and I have a small plan of starting a business that probably won't make money, but I've been doing free time hobby work thats directly related and I enjoy the work so much. If the little company doesn't work out, I'm sure I could use the experience to get a job at a decent place.

    • tetrabrick [xey/xem, she/her]
      4 years ago

      maybe a little theory about what you are feeling can make you comprenhend better the situation and feel better in control.Read bullshit jobs

      • Shinji_Ikari [he/him]
        4 years ago

        I was watching some breadtube thing after work, and while i've heard the phrase "alienated labor", I didn't truly connect it all together until like, today.

        I read some engels a while back explaining alienated labor and my brain kept it in a "oh the woodworker doesn't get the same satisfaction out of the furniture factory" context, rather than my actual context.