I wanna see two Indian women and a woman hindu spoiler duke it out for the top spot in the horniest presidential race in US history. Someone start the lathe.

  • cricbuzz [he/him]
    1 year ago

    The whole video in this article is about how she's critiqued trump in the past. Libs are going to eat this shit up and some will probably even vote for her due to "orange man bad" :brainworms:

    Barely any mention of her bona fides (or lack thereof).

    Orange man is, of course, bad but he's not an anomaly. He's part of a broader system of cruelty, a capitalist. And this "at least I'm not that orange man" way of thinking is something libs are going to love. We're gonna see a revamp of the lincoln project advocating for all of these ghouls again

    • KobaCumTribute [she/her]
      1 year ago

      Orange man is, of course, bad but he’s not an anomaly.

      It's important to realize that leftists and libs hate Trump for very different reasons: leftists hate him because he's a vile racist oligarch and sex pest, liberals hate him because he's an embarrassingly bumbling and vulgar lout whose sheer incompetence threatens their precious imperial project.