• CarmineCatboy [he/him]
    2 years ago

    we are 15 days away from finding out george santos stole half the catalytic converters in virginia

  • RION [she/her]
    2 years ago

    He cannot be stopped. Love my grifter king

  • Shoegazer [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Leaked documents reveal George Santos as the anonymous hacker known as 4chan

  • NPa [he/him]
    2 years ago

    George Santos stole the Declaration of Independence and fed it to a pack of stray dogs

  • Sushi_Desires
    2 years ago

    How does he have the time? How does he have the energy!?

  • came_apart_at_Kmart [he/him, comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    i can't imagine anyone elected to represent NY's richest assholes is gonna be anything but a piece of crap, but this guy's name keeps coming up with so many wild lies and scams i had to have a look. i just read his wiki, and this guy is the archetypal scammer. it reads like a hard scrabbled bullshit artist who goes all in on every nickle-and-dime short con, moving around a lot when things start heating up.

    then he figures out financial services is ripe for scams and goes into it hard before noticing that the campaign system is basically the ultimate grift. after a swing and a "miss" (he didn't win the office in 2020, but gorged heavy at the campaign trough) he maneuvered into the ideal position for the newly redrafted district and got a seat in the contested house. and man, people are fucking PISSED, because it seems like they can't even boot him without fucking up republican control of the house. or really, they could probably arrange some transition if he would resign, but he does not give a fuck and the system seems completely powerless at actually removing a bad faith scumbag who won't play ball. everything about this guy's election and continued presence exposes how absolutely fucked our legislative branch is, as all the rules and norms are there to protect the big gift.

    it's like, our political system is one big all you can eat luxury buffet for the rich behind closed doors, and he's instagraming himself doing cartwheels in the 3 tier chocolate cake and laughing his ass off. it's clear that all the chastising is really "stop drawing attention to this thing of ours". the bit about how campaign expenses to a vendor totalling less than $200 don't require receipts and how this guy had like 40% of his expenses all be $199.99 to a fuckload of different vendors is the funniest shit ever.